About Me

I am currently a postdoctoral fellow at Genentech co-advised by Dr. Kangway V. Chuang and Dr. Joachim Rudolph. I earned my PhD degree in biophysics in University of Maryland, College Park, supervised by Dr. Pratyush Tiwary, and obtained my bachelor’s degree in physics from Peking University in China. During my PhD, I focused on combining physics and artificial intelligence (AI) methods to understand complex biophysical systems. My current research interests involve incorporating domain knowledge to design next generation AI powered scientific analysis tools for drug discovery. Read more about my research

In my free time, I enjoy practicing Chinese calligraphy, Taiji, running, and swimming. These hobbies allow me to stay active and creative, and I find that they complement my research by helping me maintain a healthy work-life balance. I believe that a well-rounded lifestyle is crucial for achieving success in both my personal and professional life.